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Sick hamster
Species: hamster | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 17-Apr-07 | viewed 8207 times
Q Gail asks:
Martin is 20 mos. old. Overnight he seems to begin a rapid breathing, not eating much, back legs seem weak, not drinking much only when made. Temp in room got very cool that weekend and I was wondering if that affected him. We tried antibiotic for 5 days, not much help but read that it's important to know the right antibiotic if it is a infection. I need to ask the vet again and what should I ask him to do to make sure we are treating Martin correctly. Would a tumor cause this overnight?
Q Samantha says: At 20 months old there are many conditions which may cause a hamster to become ill including infections, metabolic diseases and tumours. Do speak to your vet again about the problem if you do not think your hamster is making progress; however do also be aware that not many antibiotics are licensed for use in hamsters so treatment options can be more limited than in other pets.
My dog has started to have eplipetic fits
Species: dog | Category: other | Submitted: 16-Apr-07 | viewed 8644 times
Q Debi asks about Ben (dog - Mongrel, M) (age 15 years, 4 months):
He has had 6 so far, they only last for a few minutes and then he is fully recovered, he is 15 years old and the RSPCA have told me that at his age it is common and its very expensive to treat for what little time he may have left. What should I do?
Q Samantha says: If you feel that you would like treatment to go ahead you should discuss this with the vet; however sometimes these fits can be much more distressing for owners to watch than for the dogs themselves! It can be very difficult to stop fits occurring completely and often the most that can be hoped for with treatment is a reduction in frequency of fits. Each case should be treated individually so do go back and speak to your vet again but it may be that it is better for your dog to take the "wait and see" approach.
Going Bald
Species: hamster | Category: general | Submitted: 16-Apr-07 | viewed 7814 times
Q Cherry asks about Rolo (hamster - Syrian, M) (age 2 years, 1 months):
Rolo, my 2 yr old hamster has a bald patch under his chin which seems to be getting worse... hard to tell! I had been renovating my house and there's been lots of dust although I moved Rolo to my neighbours for the worst of it, it could have irritated him but his skin is pink and normal looking. I also tried flea powder just in case (would I even notice if he has a mite problem?), I don't know if maybe it's normal for his age... should I do anything about it??? He still seems his old self and seems in good spirits! Would appreciate some advice! Many thanks.
Q Samantha says: Mites can be a problem for hamsters especially if they are stressed. It could also be some type of abrasion- could he be rubbing his chin against something perhaps as he feeds? Any problem in a 2 yr old hamster needs to be taken seriously so I suggest a check with your local vet.
bladder stones
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 16-Apr-07 | viewed 7935 times
Q Kerry asks about Alfi (dog - Cocker Spaniel, M) (age 5 years, 7 months):
ALfi was diagnosed with bladder stones in 2005. He had an operation and was prescribed a diet of Hills canine sd for 6 months and then and cd for 6 months. He was then tested and was found to be clear of stones. I gave him Pal tinned dog food which was the lowest protein content I could find thereafter but when he was tested about 6 months later the stones had returned. He has been on canine sd since January 2007 and recent tests show that the stones have again cleared but I have been told by my vets that he needs to stay on this food long term which is costing £50.00 - £60.00 per month. When he was first introduced to the food he was not at all keen and the vet told me I could give him chappie if he really wouldn't eat it. Could I now give him chappie as a cheaper alternative to the canine sd as I am really going to struggle to pay £50.00 - £60.00 every month on a long term basis. The only other foods he has in his diet are one denta-stick each day and 5 dog chocs each day but the stones keep returning. any advice you are able to give me would be greatly appreciated many thanks Kerry
Q Samantha says: I can understand your concern regarding costs of such food. It is difficult to say if Chappie would be suitable for your dog, it certainly is not specially formulated for such conditions. I think you need a good talk with your vet who knows your dog well. If you do decide to take him off the Hills and on to a regular dog food of any type there is always the possibility that the stones will recur again and over time the vets fees for treatment of the stones may cost more than the food?
Lump on cat's neck
Category: general | Submitted: 16-Apr-07 | viewed 6110 times
Q Becca asks:
My cat has a lump on the side of her neck and it has been there for about a week now. I think my puppy may have bit her and am I wondering if I should bring her to the vet or wait it out. I am also wondering what it could be, because it more than swollen it is hard and is right on her lymph node.
Q Samantha says: It could be one of several things which include an abscess, an infection or tumour affecting the lymph node, or a problem with the salivary gland. You need to take her to your vet so that they can check the lump for you and treat it appropriately.
lump on staffy's head
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 15-Apr-07 | viewed 7307 times
Q Gail asks about joe (dog - staffordshire bull terrior, M) (age 0 years, 6 months):
We brought our staff when he was able to leave his parents. When we chose him he had a small lump on his head a bit like a cyst, the breeder said it was common in staffys, we took him to the vets for his injections and showed the vet his lump who wasn't worried about it and told us it was nothing major. Our staffy is now 6 months old and the lump has always been the same till yesterday when our dog woke and I took a closer look at him I noticed over night the lump has tripled in size and has got harder our dog seems ok in his self eating and acting as normal but its worried me how it has grown over night I've tried to feel the lump but he wriggles too much when I try to feel it so I'm not sure if its painful or not; just thought I'd ask your advice thanks gail
Q Samantha says: I think it should be checked by a vet really. It is possible that he might have traumatized it in some way or it has become infected.
not drinking enough water
Species: dog | Category: nutrition | Submitted: 14-Apr-07 | viewed 8120 times
Q Denise asks:
How can I get my dog to drink more water? He has been sick lately. I have taken him to the vet but I need to monitor his water intake. Is there something I can do to enhance his water intake?
Q Samantha says: The only thing you can really do yourself is to feed a portion of his food wet. You could add a little water to his biscuits or any meat you give him so that he takes in more water with his food. If he becomes dehydrated you will need to take him along to your vet for fluids to be given. Please discuss this with your vet first because I am not sure what is wrong with your dog, so just make sure it is OK for you to do this.
Species: dog | Category: general | Submitted: 13-Apr-07 | viewed 6441 times
Q Dawn asks:
Hi Sam my dog who is 10 months old has lumps under his skin. They are over his neck and spine l have pressed on them and they do not seem to bother him, also they have scabs over them he bites his fur sometimes, from dawn
Q Samantha says: It is difficult to say what these lumps may be, it could be an infection or it could be something more serious, including certain types of tumour (cancer). In any case it sounds as if your dog is in discomfort because he is biting his fur so please take him along to your local vet for a check up.
Swollen around vagina
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 13-Apr-07 | viewed 8661 times
Q Laura asks about Kimmie (dog - Patterdale, F) (age 8 years, 3 months):
Our dog has been a bit out of sorts the last couple of days. She's been very grumpy and had a loss of appetite and been quite lethargic. We have noticed that she is itching more than normal and has a noticeable swelling around the vaginal area.
Q Samantha says: It could be that she is just coming into season; however there are more serious causes for some of these symptoms (such as pyometra; an infection of the uterus) which could be very serious so get in contact with your local vet and take your dog along to be examined.
weeing whilst a sleep
Category: general | Submitted: 13-Apr-07 | viewed 5314 times
Q Teresa asks:
Last two nights Willow has wet her bed. This has only happened twice before, once as a pup and last summer. Its always when the weather is warm, hence drinks more? Is this anything to worry about? Other than that she is totally fine in herself.
Q Samantha says: It may be that her bladder is a little bit leaky and she can't hang on too well- this is quite a common thing in bitches and can be treated if it is a big problem. You should get her checked at your vet to make sure that it is this and not an infection, such as cystitis, or any other serious problem; take along a urine sample if you can.
Rat blood extended tissue
Species: rat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 13-Apr-07 | viewed 5627 times
Q Joanne asks about ginger (rat - not known, F) (age 1 years, 10 months):
Ginger is currently on an antibiotic for blood in her urine? She now has an extended piece of tissue externally protruding from urine hole?
Q Samantha says: You need to take her to your vet urgently! This may be a prolapse, perhaps of the uterus or possibly the rectum (it can be difficult to tell which orifice is involved) This is serious if left untreated and she needs to be taken as soon as you can.
scab around the mouth
Species: hamster | Category: general | Submitted: 12-Apr-07 | viewed 7585 times
Q Maria asks about Chippi (hamster - not known, M) :
My hamster has scabs around the mouth area. What are they and how should I treat it?
Q Samantha says: It looks sore and could be infected. Your hamster may need medication for this so I would suggest a trip to your vet. Home treatment may not be effective.
Spayed cat in season
Species: cat | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 12-Apr-07 | viewed 6488 times
Q Michelle asks:
I have a cat and she is 17 months old. She was spayed when she was 5 and a half months old, however in December she came into season and had to have a hormone injection at the vet to stop it. They also did a blood test to check for ovarian tissue which came back as negative. She is now coming back into season again and is booked in to have another hormone injection Saturday. I am just wondering what other possible causes of this could be as a spayed cat should not come into heat and what I can maybe do to help as I don't like having to keep taking my cat to the vet for these injections (the cat isn't too keen either!) and I am interested as to what else may be the reason for this as my vet isn't particularly helpful and hasn't explained anything properly. My cat is otherwise healthy and seems happy (when she is not in season!) Thank you.
Q Samantha says: I'm as confused as you are I am afraid! It is quite a routine procedure to spay a cat and usually goes well. The test for retained ovarian tissue you say was negative, which would most likely suggest that the spay was completed normally. I don't really know what else could be causing this but will do a bit of reading for you on the subject and will get back to you if I find anything helpful.
Species: dog | Category: general | Submitted: 12-Apr-07 | viewed 7560 times
Q Dawn asks:
Hi Sam our 10 month old labrador Ollie a male will not go to the toilet in the garden he only goes when we take him to the park he holds it in for a long time we got some of his urine when we have took him to the park brought it back and put it in the garden with no luck we do not know how we can get him to go out there thanks dawn
Q Samantha says: He may think that he should not go to the loo in your garden; he sounds as if he is doing his best to be very good! If you want to change this it will take time and patience, try praising him when he goes to the loo just before he gets to the park or as close to the entrance as possible; perhaps give him a toy or treat when he goes closer to home than usual. Then reward him only when he goes in that place or even slightly closer to home. Gradually move the place where he gets a reward for going to the toilet closer and closer to home until you eventually get him to go in your garden. Do not punish him if he makes a mistake or holds on just do not give a reward. If you find it difficult to train him in this respect you could also contact a local animal behaviourist for help.
Species: dog | Category: general | Submitted: 12-Apr-07 | viewed 6323 times
Q Lisa asks about MILO (dog - STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER, M) (age 11 years, 3 months):
My friend who has a staffy radio used milo to mate, they tried on day 13, 14, and 16 after her 1st day of discharge, they did not tie, how soon would we know if she is pregnant and would a human pregnancy test work.
Q Samantha says: A human pregnancy test would not work but your vet will be able to help you to diagnose any pregnancy. If you take your dog to the vet they may be able to diagnose pregnancy by palpation of the abdomen or if this does not give a conclusive answer (sometimes it does not) then they may be able to perform other diagnostic tests such as ultrasonography. Take your bitch at around 3 weeks post mating to find out if she may be pregnant.
Species: cat | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 10-Apr-07 | viewed 8006 times
Q Karen asks about blackjack (cat - not known, M) (age 4 years, 10 months):
Hi. I wrote in at the start of February about our cat Blacky who hadn't settled into our new home very well. I took the advice and bought the plug in calmers to put around the house and he does seem a bit better. He is still licking a sore, weeping and bald patch on his hind leg. I have tried bandages which he gets off and have taken him to the vets twice. He has had anti itch tablets which don't seem to have worked, and antibiotics and he definitely doesn't have fleas. They have given me a collar for him to wear for a week but he is so distressed at wearing it and not being able to get out of the cat flap that I am trying to find any other possible alternative. Is there any special bandage or anti itch cream or anything else I can do to try and stop him itching this spot. He's doing so well apart from this and I really think the collar will make things much worse. If you have any ideas of any products I can get please let me know. I really want to help him. Many thanks, karen
Q Samantha says: I am sorry to hear that Blacky is still having problems - it may be something that just needs time if it is due to the stress of moving. Talk to your vet again- even if you just phone them- to let them know the tablets are not working; sometimes it is possible to try alternative treatments. Try to make sure Blacky is not getting stressed by visitors etc and try to provide toys and activities/games so that he can think about something other than the itchy spot.
regurgitated mouse
Species: reptile | Category: nutrition | Submitted: 10-Apr-07 | viewed 5405 times
Q Theresa asks:
I fed Hades my snake shortly after he shed a few days later I found regurgitated fuzzy skin but only the skin, is this normal? I have read all there is about corns, I fed a few days ago also as it was his feed and so far all is good.
Q Samantha says: It may indicate that there is a problem so get in touch with your vet just to be sure.
Dog producing milk after heat
Species: dog | Category: other | Submitted: 10-Apr-07 | viewed 7297 times
Q Sabrina asks about ShelbyRose (dog - Puggle, F) (age 0 years, 10 months):
Can a dog produce milk/swollen nipples after going in heat? It's been 2 wks since she ended her first heat and she wasn't bred, really careful not to let her outside too long either.
Q Samantha says: Dogs can get a false pregnancy following their season, however 2 weeks is a bit early; it is usually seen later than this. If it is a false pregnancy your vet will be able to give treatment for your dog. If you are not going to breed from her it may be wise to consider having her spayed.
cat is drinking water more than usual and drooling
Species: cat | Category: general | Submitted: 08-Apr-07 | viewed 7900 times
Q Jennifer asks:
what is wrong?
Q Samantha says: It could be any one of several conditions. Common conditions which cause cats to drink more water than normal include renal failure, liver disease, diabetes and hyperthyroidism. You need to take your cat to the vet since many of these problems become very serious indeed if left untreated.
Pus Like Discharge & Limp
Species: hamster | Category: other | Submitted: 07-Apr-07 | viewed 7477 times
Q Jill asks about Izzy (hamster - Syrian, F) (age 1 years, 11 months):
My hamster fell recently and was limping (her back left leg) but after a couple of days I noticed her front right hand is looking a little withered and she has started to have a pus like discharge from her vagina today. She is still eating but is drinking more. Will she recover & what can I do in the meantime?
Q Samantha says: You really need to take her to your vet as soon as you can. It sounds as if your hamster has an infection which could be serious and may also be in pain.
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Your Questions Answered

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swollen hind leg 20-Nov-07

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Sick syrian hamster 08-Nov-07

Sara asks: Hi. My syrian hamster is 2 and half yrs. old. The last 24 hrs I have noticed a big ... view

lack of sleep 07-Nov-07

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wet tail 06-Nov-07

Evelyn asks: Can a young hamster be successfully treated for wet tail and what would it roughly cost? ... view

Alfie 06-Nov-07

Elaine asks: Hi Sam Thank you. Alfie has no feeding time he just has food in his bowl when he wants it ... view

Guarding problem 05-Nov-07

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White Gums and Dark Stool 02-Nov-07

Leslie asks: My 8 week old American Bulldog has really white gums, around the eyes is also white. She has dark ... view

Dog's Health 01-Nov-07

William asks: My dog is around 11 years old, possibly older (we received her as she was taken from a bad ... view

behaviour 31-Oct-07

Debby asks: Hi Max is very lively of course but he seems to get very excited and bites the children, not ... view

Blood in dog's stools 31-Oct-07

Lee asks: Hi. We recently got a 3 year old Labrador from a friend. From what we can see she has ... view

upset stomach 30-Oct-07

kat asks: About three days ago my dog started acting like she was sick; diarrhoea and vomiting along with excessive sneezing ... view

Blood in Poo 28-Oct-07

Mandy asks: Treacle is now 9 wks old and had her first vaccination two days ago. I have noticed that at ... view

neutering 27-Oct-07

ashen1956 asks: 3 days ago Molly-Mae gave birth to 5 kittens. How long should I wait before having her neutered and ... view

Ordering Insulin Online 26-Oct-07

Purdie asks: Purdie is diabetic and I'm keen to find a way of reducing the cost of the treatment. Currently ... view

Fleas and skin problem 26-Oct-07

Joanne asks: I have two cats, a neutered tom and his sister. They are 6 and a half yrs. old. They ... view

My cat has a hole in its stomach! 23-Oct-07

Sarah asks: My cat has a hole the size of a dime in its stomach. He doesn't seem to be ... view

labrador vomiting bile and nearly passing out 22-Oct-07

Paul asks: Hi there - our five year old male labrador is generally in very good health - excellent appetite, plenty ... view

Guinea pig fits 22-Oct-07

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feeding 22-Oct-07

Terry asks: Is it safe to feed my GSD raw chicken wings, he is 16 months old and is 37 kg? ... view

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