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Joint pain
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 07-Apr-07 | viewed 12026 times
Q Lisa asks about Dobie (dog - Chow mix, N) (age 5 years, 4 months):
Approximately 6-9 months ago I noticed my dog having some difficulty getting up. Over these months his condition has rapidly worsened. He now has a very hard time getting up and climbing stairs. He can no longer jump up on the bed or couch. When first getting up he is stiff and has trouble walking. As he moves he seems to losen up a bit. He only gets up now if he has to. He stopped getting up to greet us when we come home. He growls often when we get near him but once craved this attention. I have wondered about arthritis or hip dysplasia but his symptoms have progressed so quickly I wonder if these are possibilities. I won't be able to take him to the vet for another 2 weeks. I was hoping you could give me whatever insight you could without the benefit of an exam or x-rays, both of which I know he needs. Within the last year he used to run and play. Now he only moves to go out, eat or change rooms with us. Thank You, Lisa Caroll
Q Samantha says: Your dog definitely needs to have an examination and possibly X-rays too. He sounds as if he is in pain and the sooner you can take him to the vet the better. In general if dogs suffer from arthritis or similar conditions they benefit from weight control and regular gentle exercise. Sometimes serious conditions such as bone tumours may be mistaken for arthritis initially, so please do take your dog to the vet soon.
after care of pyometra
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 07-Apr-07 | viewed 11731 times
Q Abril asks about seven (dog - chihuahua, M) (age 0 years, 4 months):
Hello my dog Seven is one year 5 months old. This past Monday she had an emergency spay because of pyometra, she's been in the hospital all week; today is Friday and she still has a fever. They changed her medicine to see if it will make the fever go down but it hasn't , what is happening to my dog , is she going to make it?
Q Samantha says: I am sorry to hear about your dog. Pyometra is a very serious and potentially life-threatening condition. It is an infection of the uterus (womb) and this is why your vet had to spay your dog. Sometimes the infection can get into the blood and cause very serious problems. It sounds as if your vet is doing everything possible for your dog. I am not able to say what the outcome will be, but I do hope she gets better.
excessive drinking
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 06-Apr-07 | viewed 11791 times
Q Louise asks about jack (dog - westie, M) (age 11 years, 0 months):
My 10 year old Westie keeps drinking water more than usual and has an increased appetite, this has been going on for a while now. .
Q Samantha says: Many conditions may cause dogs to drink more than usual and some of them can become very serious if left untreated for very long. You need to take your dog to your vet who may need to do some tests to determine exactly what the problem may be. The increased appetite may be significant but is perhaps less of a worrying sign than the excessive drinking.
possible kidney sludge
Species: guinea pig | Category: other | Submitted: 05-Apr-07 | viewed 10082 times
Q Laura asks about zoey (guinea pig - not known, M) (age 1 years, 0 months):
I found a white runny liquid with 2 harder pieces in it (looked like a small piece of apple) it had no smell in Zoey's cage. I was reading about kidney sludge and thought this might be that but I'm not sure. Zoey is eating normal going to the washroom as normal (except the size of his poop is a bit smaller, still hard) playing normal, squeaking, jumping. Should I just watch to see if I notice anymore of that stuff or should I go to the vet?
Q Samantha says: Without seeing the white runny liquid it is impossible to say exactly what it may be, but there is a possibility that it may be pus or other infected material. I would advise you to seek veterinary attention for Zoey so that you can be sure there is not a problem. If you can take any of the unusual liquid with you that may help your vet to determine what it could be.
Hasn't gone toilet in nearly 2 weeks
Species: reptile | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 05-Apr-07 | viewed 10354 times
Q Owen asks about George (reptile - not known, N) :
Hi there, My Northern Pine Snake hasn't gone to the toilet for almost 2 weeks. Am starting to worry about him, He has had 3 small Rats and a Chick in this time (trying to get some weight back on him). He is normally a very docile snake but at the moment he is being very aggressive and wont let me get anywhere near him. I have been spraying the viv once a day to increase humidity a little as he is in shed at the moment. Just worried about the fact he hasn't gone to the toilet in so long, it isn't really like him. He is about 5-6 years Old. Cheers, Owen
Q Samantha says: Constipation is sometimes a problem for snakes in captivity. It can be caused by a number of things including parasites, illness and the wrong environmental temperatures. You really should take your snake along to a vet who has an interest in exotics to get help with this problem.
bloated baby goat
Species: other | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 05-Apr-07 | viewed 8415 times
Q Antoinette asks:
Thank you Samantha for your response yesterday. The baby goat developed a temperature in the afternoon and died last evening. I believe you were correct in saying there may have been something serious about her condition. AP
Q Samantha says: So sorry to hear this.
Dog eye or neck problem
Species: dog | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 04-Apr-07 | viewed 10692 times
Q Christine asks about Bounty (dog - not known, N) :
My dog is walking with his head held high, his ears pulled back and seems to not have proper sight.
Q Samantha says: This may indicate that he has some pain in the head or neck region. The problem with his sight is very worrying and you should seek veterinary attention for your dog as soon as you can.
bloated baby goat
Species: other | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 04-Apr-07 | viewed 10024 times
Q Antoinette asks:
We have a teensy (maybe 1 lb.) 4 day old baby boar goat that is being bottle fed using her mother's milk. The mother has disowned the baby. This morning the baby is bloated. She hadn't been constipated before today. We had this problem several years ago and gave the little goat mineral oil. This is such a small goat that I am unsure of what dosage I should use or if I should use mineral oil at all? Thank you. Antoinette Petersen
Q Samantha says: It could possibly be more serious than just constipation. It is impossible to say exactly what it could be over the internet but in such a young animal I would be concerned about infections etc. I think you should contact your local vet about this to make sure there is not a more serious underlying condition.
should I clean my horses sheath
Species: equine | Category: petcare | Submitted: 03-Apr-07 | viewed 8324 times
Q Jemima asks:
Is it necessary to clean my horses sheath? It is making a wooping noise when he runs, should I clean it or just leave it? If I do have to clean it how?
Q Samantha says: In general it should not be necessary to clean the sheath. If you are concerned you should ask your vet to examine the area to check that there is no underlying problem causing these noises.
Wobbly and fast breathing
Species: hamster | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 03-Apr-07 | viewed 11046 times
Q Katherine asks about Ally (hamster - not known, F) (age 3 years, 8 months):
Today, I noticed my 2-year-old hamster, Ally, wobbly, rocking back and forth, and breathing fast. Even when she's sleeping, she's breathing fast. She is eating and drinking well, nothing else unusual. Thanks!
Q Samantha says: In hamsters of this age any sign of a problem should be taken very seriously. Hamsters can very quickly become very sick indeed if left. These types of signs might be caused by respiratory or neurological problems as well as other conditions- it definitely does not sound normal. It would be best to take your hamster to a vet soon.
head shaking in dog
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 03-Apr-07 | viewed 10499 times
Q Diane asks about bessie (dog - staffy cross, F) :
After swimming and wetting head she began the shaking head as though ears were water logged - this has persisted on and off for a few weeks and there has now developed a daily show of eye discharge. The ears smelled earlier and have improved now to a strong dog smell but still a little too strong. Maybe eating quite a lot of grass in a two day period then excreting it undigested afterwards. Eye discharge mainly in morning after sleep and clears after two wipes by midday.
Q Samantha says: It sounds as if your dog may have developed both an infection of the ears and the eyes. You should take your dog along to your vet to ensure that any infection can be treated and to check the eyes to make sure there is nothing more serious going on such as a corneal ulcer etc.
upset stomach
Species: dog | Category: general | Submitted: 02-Apr-07 | viewed 10891 times
Q Jason asks about brooklyn (dog - amstaff, M) (age 3 years, 7 months):
Noises can be heard from Brook's stomach from a distance and I think he lost some color from inside his mouth and ears.
Q Samantha says: He might have a gastrointestinal upset- has he had any diarrhoea or vomiting? Could he have eaten anything he should not have done? It would be best to take him to your local vet to be checked just in case it is anything serious. The pale mucus membranes (mouth and ears) may indicate a problem which requires attention.
upset stomach
Species: cat | Category: nutrition | Submitted: 02-Apr-07 | viewed 10852 times
Q Jane asks about snowy (cat - domestic short hair, F) :
Snowy & Tootsie were spayed a couple of weeks ago, & I was told to feed them coley & chicken which I did, Snowy sometimes had a bit of runny tummy with certain foods, but with the fish & chicken it stopped & her poo went back to normal. I have put them back on their normal food & she has started having runny tummy again, what is causing this? thank you
Q Samantha says: Some cats have very sensitive stomachs and some foods will cause tummy upsets for them. Many pet foods are quite rich and also have additives /preservatives etc, which your cat may have a sensitivity towards. Chicken and coley are bland foods which seem to be tolerated well by many pets with dietary sensitivities. You could try a preparatory food for cats with this type of problem ( your vet will be able to recommend a suitable one) or you could continue to feed a home prepared diet as you have been doing. If you decide to stick to a home prepared diet then speak to your vet so that you can ensure that your cat receives all the vitamins and minerals she needs (she might need a vitamin/mineral supplement).
Really strange behaviour after heat cycle
Species: dog | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 02-Apr-07 | viewed 9126 times
Q Destiny asks about Daisy (dog - Jack Russell Terrier, F) (age 1 years, 8 months):
My dog Daisy, which is a Jack Russell Terrier, is almost 2 years old and she isn't fixed. She has gone in and out of heat twice. Around two months after both of her cycles, she acts really strange. She whines constantly and she acts as though she is searching for something. She sleeps in the bed with me and every night for the past week it has taken her nearly two hours to calm down. She brings all of her toys into the bed and surrounds herself with them as if they comfort her. She isn't eating like she usually does and she doesn't want to go outside. Its almost as if she is searching for a puppy she never had. Please help me figure this out. Thanks!
Q Samantha says: This sounds like she might be getting a false pregnancy. Her hormones at this time are possibly sending signals to her to suggest she should be nursing pups. If you gently check her mammary glands you might even find she has milk! This is not unusual in entire bitches. Your vet will be able to check her and let you know if this is indeed the problem; it can be treated fairly easily, but you might want to consider having her speyed if you do not wish to breed from her.
Poisoned intestines, Husky
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 02-Apr-07 | viewed 11703 times
Q Debra asks about Patches (dog - Siberian Husky, F) (age 4 years, 5 months):
Samantha you were very helpful with my question in the beginning of March 03.04.07 about Patches. My baby past away last Wednesday on the way to the vet! In February the vets said she had been poisoned by peanut butter, but since then the Canned Dog food they said to give her has been recalled due to rat poison and now plastic. My baby was so sick she had no chance of making it. The vet said her intestines exploded. But she had bouts of diarrhoea and normal stool. I wanted the vet to check her liver and my vet would not test her liver to determine what had killed her, she said it was the dog food. My question is what to do for my: Max, Kayla and Brownie? What test can I have done to determine if they have been poisoned by the dog food. I have always mixed dry and canned dog food with chicken for them. So I need advice on where to go from here? My Huskys are my children and I am so angered for what this has done to my Patches. My vet said to watch the other dogs, Kayla has had the same problems with her diarrhoea. Please help me help my Huskys with advice on what tests they can perform , so I can save my other three(3) babies. Thank-you Debra, Tamarac, Florida
Q Samantha says: So very sorry to hear about Patches. It is difficult to know what further tests could be done for your other dogs, especially as there is no information about the exact contaminant concerned. Sometimes substances can be tested for, but often there may not be a specific test, and if so, blood samples could only give you a limited amount of information. Speak to your vet about this. By far the most important thing you can do for them is to monitor them closely over the next few weeks and get immediate attention if anything gives cause for concern. I do hope that all your dogs are OK.
Dog urine
Species: dog | Category: general | Submitted: 01-Apr-07 | viewed 10366 times
Q Jacksem asks about Precious (dog - American Pitbull, F) :
Can constantly walking over dog urine barefoot cause any illnesses, especially in children ?
Q Samantha says: Some diseases are transmitted in urine; for example Leptospirosis. I must admit I would not like my children to be doing it!
lizards shedding their skin
Species: reptile | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 01-Apr-07 | viewed 7477 times
Q David asks about lizard (reptile - bearded dragon, M) (age 0 years, 5 months):
Hey My lizards are shedding their skins I was wondering if this is because of anything I have done? Or is it normal to do this, around this time of year? Or does it happen every month or few?? Would be very grateful if you could let me know this thank you very much david with his two bearded dragons!
Q Samantha says: It is normal for lizards to shed their skins periodically as they grow larger. Bearded dragons shed their skin in patches, not all in one go like snakes. Optimum environmental conditions will help them at this time.
blood in urine
Species: dog | Category: other | Submitted: 01-Apr-07 | viewed 9469 times
Q Jody asks about DaisyMae (dog - Mixed, F) (age 12 years, 10 months):
I just noticed she had small amount of blood (droplets) in her urine when she had accident in house. Can I wait till Monday to call vet in morning? She's 12 years old and is very special to us. My husband says we can wait but I don't want to hurt her by not doing what I should.
Q Samantha says: Whether this can wait or not depends on how she seems otherwise. Is she lethargic, off her food, depressed, vomiting, drinking more or less than normal? Is she in pain or having difficulty with passing urine or faeces? If the answer to any of this is yes, you should seek attention sooner than later. However, even if she is perfectly well otherwise at the moment, things can very quickly change, so be careful if you leave her and keep a close eye on her. My advice would be to go to the vet today, but I know it is difficult on a Sunday. Perhaps you could ring your local emergency service and speak to them about it. Most vets are happy to give telephone advice if you do not think it necessary to see them yet; but if you do need to see them later at least they would know about you.
Metacam or Rimadyl
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 30-Mar-07 | viewed 10112 times
Q Simon asks:
My staffy is 9 years old and has been diagnosed as having arthritis (elbow) - otherwise he appears to be a healthy boy. My concern is that I have read several articles, personal stories about the risk of internal bleeding? Is it true that internal bleeding is a possible side effect?
Q Samantha says: Gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the possible side effects of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. You will need to discuss this with your vet if you are concerned. Usually the benefits are greater than the risks, but obviously this needs to be assessed on an individual basis and your vet, who knows your dog, is the best person to talk to about your worries.
why does my hamster keep moving his bedding around
Species: hamster | Category: petcare | Submitted: 29-Mar-07 | viewed 10223 times
Q $M!DG3 asks about Monty (hamster - small, M) :
My hamster is about 4 years old and lately has been moving his vegetable parchment bedding out of his house and near his salt block. He has also gotton a little skinnier. Why is this?
Q Samantha says: At 4 years old your hamster is getting elderly and any unusual sign should be taken seriously. The signs you are seeing (especially the weight loss) may indicate that your hamster has a medical problem and you should seek veterinary attention for him.
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Your Questions Answered

Injured Wild Owl 30-Nov-07

Kelly asks: I found an owl this morning, very small but adult. It flew into a power line. It's still alive. ... view

swollen hind leg 20-Nov-07

Zshai asks: I have a 6-day-old bunny who has a swollen hind leg. I saw her mama step on her but ... view

Sick syrian hamster 08-Nov-07

Sara asks: Hi. My syrian hamster is 2 and half yrs. old. The last 24 hrs I have noticed a big ... view

lack of sleep 07-Nov-07

Bill asks: We have a 14 month old Yorkshire terrier, which goes to bed at around 6.30pm, because I have MS ... view

wet tail 06-Nov-07

Evelyn asks: Can a young hamster be successfully treated for wet tail and what would it roughly cost? ... view

Alfie 06-Nov-07

Elaine asks: Hi Sam Thank you. Alfie has no feeding time he just has food in his bowl when he wants it ... view

Guarding problem 05-Nov-07

Elaine asks: Alfie is a terrible guarder and will take your hand off if you try and retrieve an object he ... view

White Gums and Dark Stool 02-Nov-07

Leslie asks: My 8 week old American Bulldog has really white gums, around the eyes is also white. She has dark ... view

Dog's Health 01-Nov-07

William asks: My dog is around 11 years old, possibly older (we received her as she was taken from a bad ... view

behaviour 31-Oct-07

Debby asks: Hi Max is very lively of course but he seems to get very excited and bites the children, not ... view

Blood in dog's stools 31-Oct-07

Lee asks: Hi. We recently got a 3 year old Labrador from a friend. From what we can see she has ... view

upset stomach 30-Oct-07

kat asks: About three days ago my dog started acting like she was sick; diarrhoea and vomiting along with excessive sneezing ... view

Blood in Poo 28-Oct-07

Mandy asks: Treacle is now 9 wks old and had her first vaccination two days ago. I have noticed that at ... view

neutering 27-Oct-07

ashen1956 asks: 3 days ago Molly-Mae gave birth to 5 kittens. How long should I wait before having her neutered and ... view

Ordering Insulin Online 26-Oct-07

Purdie asks: Purdie is diabetic and I'm keen to find a way of reducing the cost of the treatment. Currently ... view

Fleas and skin problem 26-Oct-07

Joanne asks: I have two cats, a neutered tom and his sister. They are 6 and a half yrs. old. They ... view

My cat has a hole in its stomach! 23-Oct-07

Sarah asks: My cat has a hole the size of a dime in its stomach. He doesn't seem to be ... view

labrador vomiting bile and nearly passing out 22-Oct-07

Paul asks: Hi there - our five year old male labrador is generally in very good health - excellent appetite, plenty ... view

Guinea pig fits 22-Oct-07

Renate asks: My guinea pig is acting strange. I've only had him around a week and he's running as if spooked ... view

feeding 22-Oct-07

Terry asks: Is it safe to feed my GSD raw chicken wings, he is 16 months old and is 37 kg? ... view

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