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right leg swollen
Category: general | Submitted: 17-Mar-07 | viewed 6785 times
Q Ben asks:
Dakota's leg is swollen and black and blue he can't stand, sit or lay without severe pain. We took him to the vet and had many tests done only to be told he can't find anything he's been tested for cancer and all blood work was done all normal. Vet has him on anti-inflammatories and pain-killers; its not working I'm making a harness to take the weight off. Should I ice it or heat it?
Q Samantha says: Firstly be very careful about making a harness or any other type of bandage, since any type of binding or bandaging could potentially cause very serious damage to the leg if incorrectly applied. Sometimes movement of the limb is important in the healing process; so please talk to your vet about this before you apply anything to the leg. Applying ice or direct heat to the leg may cause problems and further damage since Dakota cannot tell you if it is too hot or cold.
Nasal carcinoma
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 17-Mar-07 | viewed 7685 times
Q Sheila asks:
Did you receive my questions re Max? i.e. what I can give him to help his breathing and make things easier for him. Please reply. Thank you
Q Samantha says: Obviously this is quite a serious condition and hopefully you will be in contact with your vet about Max. Your vet will be able to prescribe appropriate drugs for Max to help him and keep him comfortable. It is impossible for me to recommend specific treatments over the internet as I am sure you will understand. Probably the best things you can do for Max you are already doing, in providing plenty of TLC. Let Max have food he really enjoys unless your vet has recommended otherwise, let him guide you in his need for walks and exercise; always let him set the pace (again unless your vet has made specific recommendations). Try to let Max do the things which he seems to enjoy as this will hopefully give him a boost and help him to overcome some of his difficulties. Sometimes it can help with breathing difficulties if the atmosphere is not too dry so if the central heating is on at the moment then try to open a few windows for a little while every day.
throwing up
Species: dog | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 15-Mar-07 | viewed 8094 times
Q Amy asks:
My boyfriend and I have two 3 or 4 year old pits... one of them for the past week has been eating then going into the woods and then throwing the food back up, burying it then coming back later and eating it again. It has been going on for the past few days should I be concerned?
Q Samantha says: It is possibly a behavioural issue. Are the two dogs feeding at the same time? There may be competition over food causing your dog to gulp down as much as possible and then "hide" it for later consumption. You could try feeding them separately and see if that rectifies the problem. If the vomiting continues or if your dog seems otherwise unwell seek a consultation with your vet to ensure there is no underlying health problem causing this.
Urinary tract problems
Category: general | Submitted: 15-Mar-07 | viewed 7170 times
Q G. asks:
We have three male cats. We just started using a new scientific cat litter that is supposed to warn of urinary tract infections. It appears that at least one of our cats is causing a reaction in the litter, but from what we can tell that just means the pH of the urine is off. None of the cats are showing any of the other signs of urinary tract infection that I've read about. We are going to take them for checkups but would appreciate any advice you could offer. Thank you very much.
Q Samantha says: It is worth taking a urine sample along with you from each cat, if possible, when you visit the vet. Your vet will then be able to tell you if there is a problem after examining your cats. If the pH of the urine is such that crystals and/or infection are more likely, or present at the moment, your vet will be able to suggest ways to help your cat (such as perhaps changing the diet). One of the easiest things to do for cats with possible urinary problems such as this is to try to increase their water intake. Consider feeding moist food rather than dry. You might also like to try a cat drinking fountain, since many cats enjoy drinking from these.
eating problem
Species: reptile | Category: nutrition | Submitted: 13-Mar-07 | viewed 5606 times
Q Kate asks about elliot (reptile - not known, M) (age 0 years, 4 months):
Please help, Eliot hasn't eaten for over a week now I tried giving him a worm and he looks at it and tries eating it, gets it in his mouth then spits it out as if he's got a sore mouth. What should I do?
Q Samantha says: Definitely get him to a vet as soon as you can. Reptiles can quickly get dehydrated and become very sick. He may have something wrong with his mouth and it can be difficult for you to examine this at home. The sooner you get him treated by your vet, the better his chances of a good recovery are.
Behaviour in question
Species: cat | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 13-Mar-07 | viewed 8327 times
Q Pikkie asks about Skapie (cat - Korat, F) (age 2 years, 8 months):
My 3 year old female, spayed. Neighbour with new 6 mth old female, not spayed kitten, says my cat is trying to mate with the kitten. I did not see this, is it possible. Apparently my 3 yr cat is making a nuisance of herself at their home. What must I do, we live in a complex, is it territorial, I never heard of this. Please advise.
Q Samantha says: Sometimes female animals may mount other female animals and this is quite normal. It is unusual in spayed female cats. Perhaps your cat is behaving in this way to express and reinforce her dominance towards the younger kitten. You and your neighbour should discuss what approach to take; you can either stop the cats meeting up by keeping one or both of them inside your homes, or you can accept this natural behaviour and allow the cats to socialise and find their own natural way to express their heirachy and relationship. The behaviour may ease as the younger kitten grows anyway.
Recurring abscess
Category: general | Submitted: 12-Mar-07 | viewed 7501 times
Q Anna asks:
Hi, an abscess has developed at the stump of my cat's tail three times in the last four months. It always seems to be in the same area. I have had him treated every time and have spent the best part of £400 on vets bills. He is 14-years-old and otherwise in good health but I am afraid I cannot keep affording to pay a huge amount out every few weeks. I feel I am being ripped off by the vet but he just says there is nothing more preventative they can do. Your advice please!
Q Samantha says: I can understand your concern about this. Could your cat be getting into fights? The tail is a common site for cat bite abscesses since often the losing cat is trying to run away! If fighting is the cause it may be difficult to stop unless you decide to keep your cat in. Ask your vet about the recurring nature of these abscesses- if your vet thinks it is a recurrence of the same infection each time, rather than another cat bite which has caused the abscess, then he or she might be able to help further to try to treat the cause.
Watery Eye
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 10-Mar-07 | viewed 7274 times
Q Kareem asks about Furgie (cat - Tabby, F) (age 3 years, 8 months):
Our only cat, Furgie, has a watery eye and sneezes about 2-3 times each day. Do you think this could be allergies or a cold in which she might need to be seen by the vet and get antibiotics? The watery eye just started today, but she has been sneezing for a few weeks. She still is eating, drinking and using the litter box normally. Also, if this is a cold, how might she have gotten it? We have no other pets. Would this be a virus we can carry? Thank you
Q Samantha says: The watery eye could be due to an infection- possibly conjunctivitis or more seriously something like a corneal ulcer so it is definitely worth taking her along to the vet. The sneezing may be due to a viral or bacterial infection etc or might be due to excess moisture from the eye draining into the nose via the nasolacrimal duct. Your vet will be able to assess her and treat her as necessary.
Species: dog | Category: general | Submitted: 10-Mar-07 | viewed 7889 times
Q claka asks about billy (dog - jack russell, M) (age 0 years, 4 months):
Billy had first injection on Tues and was wormed on Wed. He has had the diarrhoea ever since with a little bit of blood in it this am. Still eating and drinking and running around as normal. What should I be doing to stop diarrhoea?
Q Samantha says: Sometimes the stress of being taken to the vet, vaccinated and then wormed can add to the stress which pups are already under due to re-homing and change of diet. You could try giving him a bland diet for a few days (chicken and rice), make sure he has access to water at all times and try to reduce stress by keeping him quiet and with few visitors over the weekend. If at any point he seems to be unwell in himself or the diarrhoea has not improved in a couple of days or gets worse at any time, then take him to the vet who may need to give him treatment.
lower lip swollen
Species: hamster | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 10-Mar-07 | viewed 8021 times
Q Nicola asks about louis (hamster - not known, M) :
Vet clipped his teeth 2 days ago. His lower lip is still very swollen and his lower gums are purple. His lower jaw seems to be protruding. Is he in pain and is there anything we can do? He is feeding/drinking - we have apple twigs and just given him warmed milk/bread which he enjoyed.
Q Samantha says: It sounds as if he might be in discomfort so it would be worth taking him back to your vet who will be able to give any pain relief which may be necessary. (Of course he may be OK without- but your vet should make this assessment) It sounds as if you are taking good care of him and there is little else that you would be able to do regarding home care really.
this is a strange question
Species: cat | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 09-Mar-07 | viewed 8036 times
Q Lynne asks:
Hi, I have a beautiful main coon male cat, he is 6 years old and he kind of believes that he is a dog. He has always been attached to me, but this morning was very strange, he comes and wakes me up every morning by butting me with his head, this morning when he did that I told him to wait a few minutes, so he jumped on the bed, and I rolled over onto my stomach, when my husband reached over me with his arm a.j. pushed him away with his head and then climbed on my back and lay fully stretched out on my back. I find this strange because he is not a lap cat. Why do you think he did this?
Q Samantha says: I am not sure why he would do this at this particular time if he has not done it before. However it does sound as if he is very closely bonded to you and perhaps does not feel he wants to "share" your time and attention with your husband when usually it might be a time he expects attention himself (and perhaps this morning it was not forthcoming as your cat was used to?) I would not worry too much about it unless this behaviour is a problem for you or your husband- if it is you might want to try your husband feeding and being the main carer for a while so that your cat can build up a close relationship with him too. If your cat's behaviour ever seems to become a real problem you could consider getting in touch with a pet behaviour counsellor.
Dark lump
Species: reptile | Category: other | Submitted: 09-Mar-07 | viewed 7116 times
Q Naomi asks:
Leopard Gecko has developed a lump mid way between her front and back legs on her right side. The lump is dark in colour and can be seen underneath her normal colour. It is solid to touch and doesn't bother her when its touched. Have you any suggestions please.
Q Samantha says: It should really be checked by your vet since it may be something which requires treatment such as an abscess. It is not something which you should just ignore or try to home treat, at least until your vet has had a look.
Species: reptile | Category: nutrition | Submitted: 08-Mar-07 | viewed 7350 times
Q David asks about lizard (reptile - bearded dragon, M) (age 0 years, 4 months):
Can my bearded dragon have grapes and what other vegetables can they have?
Q Samantha says: You can feed your bearded dragon grapes occasionally; however they do not have a very good ratio of calcium to phosphorous and therefore should only be used as a treat now and again. Bearded dragons enjoy a variety of vegetables and fruit. Some suggestions include; leafy green vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, dandelion leaves, parsley and kale. Carrots, apples, pears and melon can be added too. Try to provide variety in your bearded dragon's diet. Make sure the food is chopped or shredded to avoid choking.
Hair loss
Species: cat | Category: other | Submitted: 06-Mar-07 | viewed 7802 times
Q John asks about Monty (cat - not known, M) :
My 5-yr old cat has patchy hair loss on limbs and hind quarters, no signs of stress or parasites, tested clear for thyroid disease. He is content, eating and drinking normally and has an otherwise shiny, healthy coat. Could hair loss be due to over grooming as affected areas are those he can lick? Is there an obvious cause and solution? Thanks
Q Samantha says: Only if your vet has excluded all medical causes for the hair loss can you really start thinking along the line of behavioural issues such as over-grooming. If this is the case then you can start to look at the possibilities of your cat being either stressed or bored. Boredom is more of a problem in even the most loved of pets than we think. Our cats are meant to seek out, hunt, chase, kill their prey and have social interactions with other felines as part of their natural lives. In our homes they are cosseted, loved and well fed but they still have these natural urges which often go unfulfilled. You should talk to your vet about any other medical condition which might be causing the problem, then think about stress in your cat's life- Feliway might help here, then try to provide toys and games for your cat, hide food around the house so he has to search for part of his ration- at least this will take his mind off his skin for a while! There is often no easy solution for this type of problem but I would suggest you enroll the help of your vet and perhaps a local behaviourist to help you.
Species: hamster | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 06-Mar-07 | viewed 7957 times
Q Debbie asks:
He was drinking and eating yesterday but he has not been sleeping in the bedding for the last two nights and right now he is not moving could you tell me if he could be hibernating.
Q Samantha says: Hamsters hibernate if the temperature drops (below around 5°c) this is quite a low temperature and unlikely in most occupied houses. If the ambient temperature in your home is low then your hamster may be hibernating.
ill and nippy
Species: hamster | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 06-Mar-07 | viewed 8156 times
Q Debbie asks:
I have just got my hamster 5 days ago but since the third it doesn't move. All it does is sleep, before it nipped you if your hand went near it but now it let lets you touch him what is wrong with it.
Q Samantha says: There may be something wrong with your hamster and these little creatures can die very quickly if left untreated. Is your hamster eating and drinking? Are there any signs of diarrhoea? It would be wise to get your hamster checked by your vet as soon as you can. However do remember that hamsters are really nocturnal so if he is active at night he will need to sleep during the day, also he may not bite you any longer because he is getting used to you. Do get him checked over by your vet soon just to make sure that any illness can be quickly treated.
not eating
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 06-Mar-07 | viewed 9293 times
Q Mark asks about sasha (dog - not known, F) (age 12 years, 1 months):
Sasha is 12 years old, she has gone very quiet, not getting up to greet me when I come home, has gone off food, drooling a little. Checked mouth; cannot see any problems. She is letting me bathe her mouth with cotton wool and warm slightly salted water, is this OK? I cannot get her to vets till Monday as have no transport. Do you think this could be due to her age? Has also gone very bony looking, refuses any food I offer her.
Q Samantha says: Sasha sounds quite ill and should ideally be seen by a vet before Monday. I understand that transport can be a real problem. You could try phoning your vet who may well know of some local taxi firms who take animals in your area or even animal ambulances which operate locally to you. Alternatively you could arrange a house visit for her, although this can cost more than a routine appointment because the vet would need to come out to you- many practices do offer this service, so it would be worth finding out. For bathing her mouth, generally warm salty water is OK, but in this case I would advise to use warm water only until she is seen by your vet- just in case she has problems with her kidneys. As to old age being the cause of her problems: many diseases are more common in old age but old age itself does not cause illness. You will need to have her checked to find out what is wrong with her, but the good news is that many of the problems which affect older dogs are treatable these days.
lonely degu
Species: other | Category: petcare | Submitted: 06-Mar-07 | viewed 7133 times
Q Roylynn asks about George (other - Degu, M) :
Honey one of my degus passed on Saturday. George is seeming to be getting depressed and becoming violent when anyone put their hands in the cage. I hear that it would not be a good choice to get another degu for him. But can he thrive on his own?
Q Samantha says: Animals appear to suffer from a form of grief which is probably similar to our own. George will probably become better over time and eventually thrive once more.
eye problem and loss of nose leather
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 06-Mar-07 | viewed 7879 times
Q Ryan asks about sebastian (dog - st bernard, M) (age 1 years, 7 months):
My St Bernard has a blue film in both eyes, this has lead to progressive loss of sight. He was being treated with eye drops and steroids, but this made little difference. He has also started to loose the skin on his nose leather, and there is a lot of red swelling around his eyes. The vets we have seen don't know what's wrong with him. So please if anyone can help us get to the bottom of this, there must be an underlying cause. I'm sure the eyes are a symptom of something else, but what?
Q Samantha says: Poor Sebastian! It sounds like an unusual condition and something which may need further investigation to find the diagnosis. Go back to your vet and let them know how worried you are. If they cannot find out what is wrong with Sebastian they might be able to refer you to a specialist who can help further.
lump on left hand side
Species: rat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 04-Mar-07 | viewed 5498 times
Q Lisa asks about herbie (rat - not known, F) (age 2 years, 2 months):
I have recently noticed a lump on Herbie's left hand side where her armpit is. The lump does appear to be getting bigger. Herbie does not seem troubled at the moment by the lump, she is eating, moving and running OK.
Q Samantha says: Lumps and bumps should be checked by a vet in case they turn out to be something serious. If the lump is getting noticeably bigger it is worth going along to your vet as soon as you can because if it needs to be removed it is better if this is done while the lump is still small.
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Your Questions Answered

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swollen hind leg 20-Nov-07

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Sick syrian hamster 08-Nov-07

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lack of sleep 07-Nov-07

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wet tail 06-Nov-07

Evelyn asks: Can a young hamster be successfully treated for wet tail and what would it roughly cost? ... view

Alfie 06-Nov-07

Elaine asks: Hi Sam Thank you. Alfie has no feeding time he just has food in his bowl when he wants it ... view

Guarding problem 05-Nov-07

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White Gums and Dark Stool 02-Nov-07

Leslie asks: My 8 week old American Bulldog has really white gums, around the eyes is also white. She has dark ... view

Dog's Health 01-Nov-07

William asks: My dog is around 11 years old, possibly older (we received her as she was taken from a bad ... view

behaviour 31-Oct-07

Debby asks: Hi Max is very lively of course but he seems to get very excited and bites the children, not ... view

Blood in dog's stools 31-Oct-07

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upset stomach 30-Oct-07

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Blood in Poo 28-Oct-07

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neutering 27-Oct-07

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Ordering Insulin Online 26-Oct-07

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Fleas and skin problem 26-Oct-07

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labrador vomiting bile and nearly passing out 22-Oct-07

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feeding 22-Oct-07

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