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Category: general | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 6821 times
Q Greg asks:
Hi my dog has developed over the last couple of weeks, constant hiccups, greatly increased thirst and urination. Weight loss and tiredness. Have you any ideas? Booked into vets next week.
Q Samantha says: There are many diseases which may cause these types of signs including diabetes, hypothyroidism, cushings disease liver and kidney disease to name but a few. Your vet will be able to examine your dog and may need to take a blood sample or perform other tests before a diagnosis is made. However the good news is that treatment is available for the vast majority of these diseases.
cats eyes
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 5702 times
Q Julie asks:
Hi thanks for the answer. My cat's third eye is not visible at all its just the pupils which are totally different and the sickness. Could you please tell me the worst case scenario.
Q Samantha says: Please do not worry unnecessarily. It is most likely to be some kind of infection- but your vet will be able to tell you more because he or she will be able to examine the eyes properly.
cats eyes
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 6231 times
Q Julie asks:
Hi my cat who is eight has started being sick and one of his pupils is huge while the other is a slit, can you help?
Q Samantha says: He does need to see your local vet. He might have Horners Syndrome which can cause one eye to appear different to the other with a small pupil and the third eyelid remaining over the eye. Often this does improve with treatment. It could also be something more serious so do contact your vet.
Species: dog | Category: general | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 6784 times
Q Karen asks about skye (dog - german shepherd cross, F) (age 1 years, 0 months):
Hi my dog started coughing on Thursday and by Friday was coughing up phlegm which I can only describe as being like egg white, she was doing this all day .By today (Saturday) coughing has calmed down a bit and not bringing up as much phlegm.
Q Samantha says: It could just be something simple like kennel cough or another type of infection. However sometimes coughing can be a sign of something more serious such as heart disease so if it continues it would be best to get Skye seen by your vet.
My cat has a lump in his mouth
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 7375 times
Q Kirsty asks about Loopy (cat - Tom cat, M) (age 3 years, 2 months):
My cat has a black lump in his mouth, it is on the right hand side just underneath where his top tooth sits. He is not off his food and it doesn't seem to be bothering him. He also has little specks of black, what looks like dirt on his chin. I wondering if you could tell me what it is? Many thanks
Q Samantha says: The specks of black on his chin are probably due to a skin condition of some sort, perhaps feline acne or something similar. The lump in his mouth definitely needs to be checked since cats can suffer from oral tumours and if this is the problem then it is much better if action is taken as quickly as possible. It may be something quite benign so do not worry unduly, but it would be best to get your cat checked by your vet.
back leg problem
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 6451 times
Q Suzanne asks:
Our 9 year old Great Dane's back legs keep giving way when he stands, his back legs don't appear to hold his weight and they get lower to the ground until he falls, has lost a lot of muscle bulk and is quite thin at back end he also has been unable to control his bowels and is having a few accidents in doors (doesn't seem to know he needs to go) when asleep he has no control over his back legs and they jump all over the place. Since this began he can't settle at night and barks keeping us awake (sleeps OK in the day) His general health is good
Q Samantha says: It sounds as though he may have a neurological condition (a problem with his nerves which control his hind legs etc). These types of problems can get progressively worse especially if they are not treated. He needs to go to see your vet.
Spencer is drooling, lethargic and off food.
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 7047 times
Q Joanna asks about Spencer (cat - Domestic Short Haired, M) (age 0 years, 11 months):
I have noticed over the last couple of weeks that my 10 month old kitten is drooling, is a bit lethargic compared to normal and not as interested in his food as he's always been. I got him from a friend when he was 8 weeks old so saw his parents and siblings who seemed healthy but I'm worried he may have picked something up since. He had his first vaccination when I lived at my old address when he was 5 months old but never went back 3 weeks later for the booster as I moved. Soon after this vaccination he was let out in the garden during the day. Since then I have moved into my parents with him and got him properly vaccinated and neutered (he was 8 months old) but he's always been kept in as a house-cat since I moved. My parents have an adult male cat whom is vaccinated but is allowed out, is it possible he could be a carrier and Spencer picked something up before his vaccinations and if so what do you think it could be?
Q Samantha says: There are many things which can cause these types of signs in a young cat but usually there is no serious underlying or long term problem. Often bacterial or viral infections are to blame. Since he is drooling he could have something wrong with his mouth or teeth. Take Spencer along to your vet who will be able to treat Spencer and if necessary do some tests to try to find out why he is behaving in this way. Hopefully Spencer will soon be well again.
why is sam peeing in the kitchen and lounge
Species: dog | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 6931 times
Q Patrick asks about sam (dog - samoyed, M) (age 5 years, 10 months):
Sam really drinks lots of water until he gags or makes himself sick. After letting him out before we go to bed, he pees in the kitchen and over the floor in the lounge every night; what can I do?
Q Samantha says: Sometimes dogs can drink excessively and then need to pass lots of urine because they have a metabolic disease such as diabetes or cushings disease. Liver and kidney problems can also cause these signs. I would advise you to get Sam checked by your vet to rule out anything serious before you go ahead with any behavioural solutions.
Illness with mucky eye and very thin
Species: rabbit | Category: other | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 6671 times
Q Teresa asks:
My rabbit is 7 years old got very thin, not eating or drinking since Thursday night what might be the cause and what can I do for him?
Q Samantha says: When rabbits do not eat or drink they do need to be seen by a vet. It could be caused by any one of a multitude of problems including infections, kidney, liver disease, tumours or tooth problems. Your vet will be able to help you further and treat your rabbit as is necessary.
bloody eye
Species: rat | Category: other | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 6135 times
Q Suzanne asks about jossie (rat - not known, F) (age 2 years, 0 months):
Please help my pet rat Jossie has had a bloody eye for months now. I took her to the vet but the drops don't seem to be working. Now she seems to have a very small black crusty bit on her fur next to her eye. I am very worried she's not herself.
Q Samantha says: A reddish brown discharge is often seen around the eyes and nose of rats and it is not often blood, but a secretion from the eye which occurs when the rat is stressed or diseased. Take you rat back to the vet for a general check up and also think about anything which could be causing your rat stress at home. I am not sure about the black crusty lesion but your vet will probably be able to help further because they will be able to examine it properly.
has parvo
Species: dog | Category: parasites | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 7020 times
Q Vicki asks about patches (dog - bordercollie and bull mastive, M) (age 0 years, 7 months):
What do you suggest for a home-remedy for parvo. I used chicken broth for one of my dogs, he got better. Do you suggest the same?
Q Samantha says: Parvo can be a really serious disease and dogs can easily become very dehydrated and even die - therefore I can't recommend home treatment and would urge you to take your dog to the vet.
what's wrong with my puppy
Category: general | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 4886 times
Q Katie asks:
I have an 8 week old mixed puppy. Up until today he was a perfectly happy little puppy full of energy. Then all of a sudden today he wanted to sleep all day, acted like he was uncomfortable when he'd lay down, and looks really bloated. He is still eating and drinking. Well now its very late at night and he is really cold, not moving, and I think he might die. Could you tell me what could possibly be wrong with him. I don't know if he will be alive by morning or within the next couple of hours. I gave him some worm medicine 2/3 days ago only to find out it was for cats. Could I have poisoned my puppy?
Q Samantha says: It is unlikely that you poisoned your puppy but it depends on exactly what you gave him. If you have not already done so get your puppy to the vet as soon as you can.
Species: cat | Category: other | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 6480 times
Q Sharon asks about Missy (cat - tuxido, F) (age 9 years, 0 months):
My cat seems to be dragging her tail . It hangs straight down while she is walking and lays rather unnatural while she is at her feeding dish. This just developed in the last few days . When I touch the base of it she give me a yat sound but not like she is in pain. I think I have read something about Tail Drop but I can't recall what I read . Thank you for your help. Sharon Sullivan
Q Samantha says: This may indicate that she has broken her tail and it is worth getting it checked by your vet.
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 7258 times
Q Shannon asks:
My cat has pus coming from around the mouth for 5 days then her right eye swelled up and puss has been gushing out of the eye for about 4 days, and now their is a huge black ball bulging outside the eye , can you tell me what's wrong and how can I help her get well.
Q Samantha says: She might have an abscess behind her eye due to a problem with her teeth. The pus can collect around the tooth root and push up behind the eye making the eye bulge and eventually the abscess can burst causing a discharge of pus. Whatever the reason for this she is quite ill and probably in pain even if she doesn't show it. She should be taken to your vet as soon as possible.
Husky with seminella poison
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 7447 times
Q Deb asks about Patches (dog - Siberian Husky, F) (age 4 years, 4 months):
In February my husky was sick with salmonella poison from peanut butter. Since February she has had severe diarrhoea, I have taken her to different vets, they gave her medication and sent her home. One vet said she probably won't make it. She is still quite sick. She has lost about 13 pound since February. She has been eating rice and chicken, I ordered a natural medication called PLANTAERIS , for animals with severe diarrhoea. Can you give me any advice on what to do, I have spent thousands of dollars to have the vets here say she will always have this problem, since she had salmonella. I hope you can help, Thank-you Deb
Q Samantha says: I am sorry to hear about Patches. Unfortunately it sounds as if you have already done everything possible in this case. Probably the best thing you can do now is find a vet that you get on well with and let them have some continuity of care for Patches; in this way they will be able to assess her progress better and monitor her condition for you. I hope she does OK.
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 6741 times
Q Debbie asks about Kritina (cat - tabby, F) :
Kritina is about 20 years old, she has congestion this winter, more when she's cold, I put a heating pad under her bed, what else can I do, she had the worse night last night, I warmed her in my bed with me under a down comforter several times, then she went back to her bed, she eats well, drinks well, makes it to her litter-box OK, what can I do to make her more comfortable? thanks
Q Samantha says: Keeping her warm will obviously help and you might consider keeping one room heated at night for her. Has she been seen by your vet - she might benefit from some medicine to ease the problem.
Dog breast feeding problem.
Category: general | Submitted: 03-Mar-07 | viewed 4077 times
Q Michelle asks:
Hi our dog has 8 puppies that are 3 and 12 weeks old. This morning the mother was shaky and throwing up. We called our vet and took her in and he gave her injections of calcium. And said she would be fine. But we have noticed one of her breasts is swollen and even though the puppies feed its not going down all the way and it feels hard and I noticed a bruise or hickey type mark on the side of the breast.
Q Samantha says: She could have mastitis so she needs to go back to the vet again to be checked.
bump on eye
Species: dog | Category: general | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 4697 times
Q Kim asks about Buddy (dog - dachshund, M) (age 0 years, 2 months):
Buddy has a pimple looking thing on his lower eye. What could this be? Is it anything to worry about? He got his 6 week shots yesterday, I'm not sure if it was there before he got the shots or not.
Q Samantha says: It could be a small nodule which can be a sign of eye problems in dogs; it is worth taking him to your vet to be checked.
cat losing hair, vomiting, not eating
Category: general | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 5919 times
Q Nancy asks:
Young cat started losing hair on stomach and inner back thighs about 3 weeks ago. She recently started vomiting partially digested food. Yesterday she stopped eating. What could be wrong with her?
Q Samantha says: Sometimes cats can vomit and stop eating when they have a gastrointestinal problem, but it can occur for other reasons too. Cats can quickly become very ill if they stop eating completely so she should be seen by your vet. The loss of fur as you describe may or may not be related to the vomiting and loss of appetite. It is often seen in cats with an allergy (such as an allergy to flea bites) but can also be due to over-grooming because of stress. Your vet will probably be able to help with this condition too.
Gastrointestinal problem
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 7592 times
Q Marisa asks about FrankieSue (dog - chihuahua min pin mix, F) (age 0 years, 10 months):
I cannot take my dog to the vet until tomorrow so I was hoping that I may possibly get my worries eased until I get there- My concern is for the past couple weeks my dog maybe 1 or 2 days of the week has been getting a distended abdomen and acts uncomfortable and just lays down- she also has bad breath, but more recently she had a mucous loose stool and then today vomited- it only last for like a couple hours and then she seems fine I admit she does like to steal and eat paper, hair balls, etc I was wondering what potential problems she may have, if I need to take her to the emergency room?
Q Samantha says: She could have a foreign body causing an obstruction or possibly just a gastrointestinal infection. She might also have gastric dilatation which might lead to a gastric torsion so you should get her seen as soon as possible.
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Your Questions Answered

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swollen hind leg 20-Nov-07

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Sick syrian hamster 08-Nov-07

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lack of sleep 07-Nov-07

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wet tail 06-Nov-07

Evelyn asks: Can a young hamster be successfully treated for wet tail and what would it roughly cost? ... view

Alfie 06-Nov-07

Elaine asks: Hi Sam Thank you. Alfie has no feeding time he just has food in his bowl when he wants it ... view

Guarding problem 05-Nov-07

Elaine asks: Alfie is a terrible guarder and will take your hand off if you try and retrieve an object he ... view

White Gums and Dark Stool 02-Nov-07

Leslie asks: My 8 week old American Bulldog has really white gums, around the eyes is also white. She has dark ... view

Dog's Health 01-Nov-07

William asks: My dog is around 11 years old, possibly older (we received her as she was taken from a bad ... view

behaviour 31-Oct-07

Debby asks: Hi Max is very lively of course but he seems to get very excited and bites the children, not ... view

Blood in dog's stools 31-Oct-07

Lee asks: Hi. We recently got a 3 year old Labrador from a friend. From what we can see she has ... view

upset stomach 30-Oct-07

kat asks: About three days ago my dog started acting like she was sick; diarrhoea and vomiting along with excessive sneezing ... view

Blood in Poo 28-Oct-07

Mandy asks: Treacle is now 9 wks old and had her first vaccination two days ago. I have noticed that at ... view

neutering 27-Oct-07

ashen1956 asks: 3 days ago Molly-Mae gave birth to 5 kittens. How long should I wait before having her neutered and ... view

Ordering Insulin Online 26-Oct-07

Purdie asks: Purdie is diabetic and I'm keen to find a way of reducing the cost of the treatment. Currently ... view

Fleas and skin problem 26-Oct-07

Joanne asks: I have two cats, a neutered tom and his sister. They are 6 and a half yrs. old. They ... view

My cat has a hole in its stomach! 23-Oct-07

Sarah asks: My cat has a hole the size of a dime in its stomach. He doesn't seem to be ... view

labrador vomiting bile and nearly passing out 22-Oct-07

Paul asks: Hi there - our five year old male labrador is generally in very good health - excellent appetite, plenty ... view

Guinea pig fits 22-Oct-07

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feeding 22-Oct-07

Terry asks: Is it safe to feed my GSD raw chicken wings, he is 16 months old and is 37 kg? ... view

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