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Dog breast feeding problem.
Category: general | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 5365 times
Q Michelle asks:
Hi our dog has 8 puppies that are 3 and 12 weeks old. This morning the mother was shaky and throwing up. We called our vet and took her in and he gave her injections of calcium. And said she would be fine. But we have noticed one of her breasts is swollen and even though the puppies feed its not going down all the way and it feels hard and I noticed a bruise or hickey type mark on the side of the breast.
Q Samantha says: She could have mastitis which is when the mammary gland becomes swollen and inflamed. This can cause problems for lactating animals so it would be a good idea to take her back to your vet who can examine her and treat this if it requires medication.
Toto is expecting kittens
Species: cat | Category: other | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 5188 times
Q Ruby asks about toto (cat - birman, F) (age 0 years, 10 months):
Should I keep Simba away from Toto? He's the father, but is still after her! What should I do?
Q Samantha says: It would be a good idea to keep them apart for a while especially if the situation is stressful for Toto. Try to provide a safe place for her to go, that he cannot get in to, so that she can escape his attentions when necessary. A magnetic cat flap with a collar only for her may provide a solution?
Skin problems
Species: dog | Category: other | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 7290 times
Q Kay asks about shaster (dog - border collie, M) (age 5 years, 10 months):
Shaster has a very nasty skin problem. It looks like severe dandruff his hair is coming out and it smells. Its only at his back end and round his tail. I've tried medicated shampoos putting more oil in his diet even rubbing oil into his skin nothing helps. Please do you have any suggestions to help him. When I brush him its like a snow storm and he's so unhappy please help.
Q Samantha says: This sounds like a condition called seborrhoea which is a problem with the normal shedding of skin cells. Sometimes there is an underlying cause, such as an infection or metabolic disease, and since you say Shaster is "unhappy" and the area smells it would be well worth taking him to see your vet. If it is not a complicated case often regular bathing with medicated shampoos (suitable for the type of seborrhoea your dog has- either oily or dry) can ease the problem but you do have to be quite regular with the treatments and remember that medicated shampoos need to be left in contact with the skin for around 15 minutes before rinsing to be fully effective. Talk to your vet about a suitable treatment for Shaster.
Species: cat | Category: parasites | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 6556 times
Q Sally asks about chez (cat - mirror tabby, F) (age 1 years, 9 months):
We have tried lots of treatments but still she carries on getting them both sides are really big could she get pregnant even after being done?
Q Samantha says: She should not be able to get pregnant after being spayed and her increase in abdominal size might indicate that something is wrong. Take her to your vet to be checked. Roundworms can reappear following treatment (the treatment only kills the roundworms present at the time of treatment, it does not prevent re-infection). If your cat is a hunter she might be picking them up that way. It is a good idea to worm your cat at least every three months.
feline ringworm
Species: cat | Category: general | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 6465 times
Q Sandi asks:
How do we treat our house once our kitten was diagnosed with feline ringworm?
Q Samantha says: General cleaning should hopefully suffice. Vacuum well around the house and wash any bedding your kitten regularly uses. Remember to wash your hands well after handling your kitten since ringworm can affect humans.
8 month old kitten having fits
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 5517 times
Q Joanne asks about bubbles (cat - not known, N) :
Few months ago my kitten started to have fits, she would lose body control while having fit. I called my vets after she had 2 and they said she will probably grow out of them. She never had another till now which is 3 months later. After she has 1 she lays lifeless as she comes round from it. Then she is fine, she's eating ok and growing well. Hope you can help.
Q Samantha says: It is not possible to say what might be causing these fits without actually being able to examine her. You should go back to your vets who will be able to help diagnose the problem . Some animals do have problems such as this and generally if the fits are relatively infrequent it may not be necessary to treat them. However the action which needs to be taken will depend on the cause of the fits- if this can be found. Try to remember all the circumstances surrounding the episode as this might help your vet determine the problem.
gained weight and very bulky
Species: cat | Category: other | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 6657 times
Q Xianon asks about Sophie (cat - Bengal X, F) (age 1 years, 11 months):
My cat Sophie, after she was spayed, put on about 5 lbs and became very firm and bulky. Not in an overweight way, but what feels like muscle. She also walks around the house talking to herself or sometimes calls out from in the bathtub... we also have 3 other cats, she is the dominant one.
Q Samantha says: I see that Sophie is a Bengal X and these lovely cats are full of character and often very vocal. Oriental breeds are renowned for their "talkativeness" and this is probably normal for her and to be expected. As for her weight gain- it is common for female cats to put on weight following being spayed and I know it can feel firm like muscle, but it is still not good for her. She may need less food now that she has been spayed (expect her to protest her hunger noisily though!) These cats are intelligent and it would help to provide stimulating toys, games and activities to keep her busy, active and stop her worrying about food so much if you reduce her rations. Many vets operate weight clinics and it would be worth taking her along to one to get her weight checked if possible.
no energy in cat and meows when picked up
Species: cat | Category: other | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 4994 times
Q Hayriye asks:
She has no energy, is not eating or drinking (only started today) when I pick her up she meows, apart from this no other symptoms what could be wrong?
Q Samantha says: It could be many things and it is impossible to give you a diagnosis without actually being able to examine her. It would be best if you take her to your local vet since if cats do not eat or drink they can very quickly become very unwell.
severe constipation in cat
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 7592 times
Q Alexandra asks about molly (cat - domestic semi-longhair, F) (age 0 years, 5 months):
Molly has been suffering from constipation or so a vet told us, she was prescribed liquid paraffin 2 weeks ago which had no affect. We were also advised to administer lactulose which also didn't work. She has lost her appetite and will not eat any wet food but occasionally nibbles at dry food. She has become extremely vocal and restless - when moving she stays very low to the ground and rolls on her back rubbing her head against things which is very out of character, is there anything we can try or do we need to take her back to the vet?
Q Samantha says: Constipation in cats can often be frustrating to treat. Sometimes the constipation may become so severe that cats become very uncomfortable and they may stop eating which does not help the situation at all. In some cases where there is very severe constipation cats need a general anaesthetic so that they can be given an enema to remove the extremely hard faecal masses which can build up in the rectum and large bowels. It would be wise to get Molly checked again by your vet to assess how severe the problem has become. A few things which might help if the constipation is not so severe or to try to prevent it recurring include: Feed her at least twice daily, try to feed as much wet food as you can, or perhaps try soaking some of her biscuits in luke-warm water prior to feeding, this will increase the water content of her diet. Provide water that she will drink at all times; many cats do not like tap water because it smells of chemicals so you might try filtered or bottled water (not water with a high mineral content though - evian is ok), leaving water to stand overnight in the fridge also helps some of the chemical smell to disperse. Some cats prefer running water or dripping taps and if this is the case for Molly you could try one of the cat drinking fountains which are commercially available. Try to get her to move around during the day with games and things to explore as resting all the time will not help her constipation. Preparations such as the lactulose can also be added to her food once or twice a week to try to prevent constipation. I hope she feels better soon but do get her checked since her restless and vocal behaviour may indicate she is in pain.
losing weight & hair
Species: cat | Category: petcare | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 5934 times
Q Marilyn asks:
My 16 year old cat is losing hair in a small line from his tail up to his hind end. There is a small area of irritation. He has lost much of his fat & is now lighter than usual. His attitude & appetite are both very good as usual.
Q Samantha says: His weight loss is a concern and this together with a skin/ hair problem is something which indicates he should be taken to the vet for a check-up, just in case there is some underlying condition which requires treatment.
Cat in heat
Species: cat | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 5002 times
Q Lori asks about Opie (cat - not known, F) (age 0 years, 5 months):
My cat is in heat and someone told me that Q-tips could relieve some of the painful symptoms. Is this valid or are they full of bologna?
Q Samantha says: I have never heard of this one before but I don't think it would help and certainly wouldn't try on a cat of mine.
Not eating or drinking
Species: exotic | Category: nutrition | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 4124 times
Q Cecelia asks about Sherman (exotic - Chinchilla, M) (age 6 years, 4 months):
I just got my Chinchilla a few weeks ago. His cage was way to small so we built him a new one, now he isn't eating or drinking even after we put his old cage in the new one. Please Help!!!
Q Samantha says: He needs to be seen by your vet since if chinchillas do not eat or drink for a while they can quickly become very ill.
Pavlov's cat
Species: cat | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 6914 times
Q Cindy asks:
I have two 6 mo. old sisters and one has developed a condition of running to the food bowl anytime I walk near that room. She is overweight and I don't know how to stop the trend. Her sister couldn't care less, eats when she's hungry like normal.
Q Samantha says: Simply be very strict about meal times- feed twice a day with a good quality food in an amount suitable for her. The rest of the time ignore the pleading for food completely. I know how difficult it can be to ignore your cat when she is asking for food but you should be firm. Obesity is a real problem for cats and can make her more disposed to diseases such as diabetes as she gets older. If your cat is already overweight you really do need to help to control her weight - and that means only feeding her at meal times. Try to play games and allow her to explore more if possible so that her mind is occupied and hopefully she will not ask for food so much.
Diarrhea,No energyand wieght loss
Species: other | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 4178 times
Q Roylynn asks about Honey (other - Degu, M) :
My degu used to be very energetic and all of a sudden he has gotten noticeably thinner. Has had diarrhea. You can actually feel his bone when he is held. I wanted to know what I could do for him.
Q Samantha says: It would be best to get him to a vet as soon as you can. He might be dehydrated and could quickly become very ill.
2 month Tea cup Malteze ate toilet paper
Category: general | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 5541 times
Q Linda asks:
What can I give my 2 month T-cup Malteze to vomit the toilet paper he ate? Any suggestion? It looks like he wants to vomit but he can't. Please advise.
Q Samantha says: It is generally not a good idea to induce vomiting yourself at home. Hopefully the toilet paper will pass through uneventfully but this will depend on the type and amount of paper he ate. If he seems to stop eating or vomits or stops passing faeces then he should be taken to your local vets as soon as possible.
wound in cat
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 5525 times
Q Karen asks about spider (cat - not known, M) (age 12 years, 4 months):
About a month ago our cat came in with a hole in his neck. Our vet thought it could be from a fight or from an abscess and gave us antibiotics. After 2 treatments with antibiotics it seemed to be healing nicely but then we noticed the wound had opened up and was worse than before. The vet advised stitches done under general anaesthetic. While stitching they found a small lump on the vein/artery in his neck so removed that as well. He had his stitches out a week ago, everything looking fine but I' ve just got home to find a hole again, not as big, but it looks like its been weeping and it looks in a slightly different place. Do you have any suggestions as to what may be causing these holes/abscesses and how can they be treated best on the neck as a collar cannot be used to stop scratching. We are fast running out of money for vet bills so really appreciate any free advice. Thank you
Q Samantha says: This sounds like a really difficult type of problem and I can understand your frustration, although I cannot think of anything further you can do yourself at home. It would be best to go back to your vet and let them know about the situation, hopefully Spider will get better soon.
Runny nose
Category: general | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 5994 times
Q Pam asks:
My new kitten has a runny nose and eye. Should I take him to the vet? He was on an antibiotic for this when I adopted him 2 weeks ago and we finished the medicine a week ago.
Q Samantha says: Yes he should be seen by a vet. He might have an upper respiratory tract infection or even cat flu which can make kittens very poorly.
insuvet insulin
Species: cat | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 6755 times
Q Hayley asks about nelson (cat - dsh, M) (age 8 years, 4 months):
It is stated on the bottle that it has to be thrown away every 28 days, although only using 7 units which means throwing a near full bottle away. Is this really necessary as we are finding this expensive as we are on a budget. Could we use it for two consecutive months without having any adverse effects on Nelson who I love very much. We do store it correctly and control Nelson's food intake and regulate. Thank you
Q Samantha says: I know that it can be expensive but unfortunately the answer is that you should discard any unused product after 28 days. Medicines kept and/or used for longer than the manufacturers suggest may deteriorate even if they are stored in optimum conditions. There is also a risk of contamination of any opened medication with bacteria etc and this risk obviously increases with time. It is wise to follow the recommendations for storage and discarding the unused medicine in this case.
licking her chops
Category: general | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 3928 times
Q Trudy asks:
My Blue Heeler is constantly licking her chops. This just started recently and I have checked her teeth and gums and they seem fine. Is there a problem I can't see?
Q Samantha says: It is possible that there is a problem that you cannot see causing this, such as a problem with her salivary glands or a sore tooth that has a problem with the root for example. It could also be a behavioural issue as well. It would be best to get her checked by your vet to make sure.
Species: rabbit | Category: general | Submitted: 02-Mar-07 | viewed 6482 times
Q Tina asks about SNUGGLES (rabbit - not known, N) :
How long is a rabbit pregnant for and how can you tell when she is in labor
Q Samantha says: A rabbit is generally pregnant for about one month- 30-33 days. As she gets ready to give birth she will build a nest and pull fur from her tummy to line the nest. She will want to go to her nest to give birth and you should disturb her as little as possible apart from occasional checks to see that she is OK. Once the rabbit kittens are born you should not disturb her or clean her nest-box unless absolutely necessary as some rabbits will eat their own babies if disturbed after the birth.
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Your Questions Answered

Injured Wild Owl 30-Nov-07

Kelly asks: I found an owl this morning, very small but adult. It flew into a power line. It's still alive. ... view

swollen hind leg 20-Nov-07

Zshai asks: I have a 6-day-old bunny who has a swollen hind leg. I saw her mama step on her but ... view

Sick syrian hamster 08-Nov-07

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lack of sleep 07-Nov-07

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wet tail 06-Nov-07

Evelyn asks: Can a young hamster be successfully treated for wet tail and what would it roughly cost? ... view

Alfie 06-Nov-07

Elaine asks: Hi Sam Thank you. Alfie has no feeding time he just has food in his bowl when he wants it ... view

Guarding problem 05-Nov-07

Elaine asks: Alfie is a terrible guarder and will take your hand off if you try and retrieve an object he ... view

White Gums and Dark Stool 02-Nov-07

Leslie asks: My 8 week old American Bulldog has really white gums, around the eyes is also white. She has dark ... view

Dog's Health 01-Nov-07

William asks: My dog is around 11 years old, possibly older (we received her as she was taken from a bad ... view

behaviour 31-Oct-07

Debby asks: Hi Max is very lively of course but he seems to get very excited and bites the children, not ... view

Blood in dog's stools 31-Oct-07

Lee asks: Hi. We recently got a 3 year old Labrador from a friend. From what we can see she has ... view

upset stomach 30-Oct-07

kat asks: About three days ago my dog started acting like she was sick; diarrhoea and vomiting along with excessive sneezing ... view

Blood in Poo 28-Oct-07

Mandy asks: Treacle is now 9 wks old and had her first vaccination two days ago. I have noticed that at ... view

neutering 27-Oct-07

ashen1956 asks: 3 days ago Molly-Mae gave birth to 5 kittens. How long should I wait before having her neutered and ... view

Ordering Insulin Online 26-Oct-07

Purdie asks: Purdie is diabetic and I'm keen to find a way of reducing the cost of the treatment. Currently ... view

Fleas and skin problem 26-Oct-07

Joanne asks: I have two cats, a neutered tom and his sister. They are 6 and a half yrs. old. They ... view

My cat has a hole in its stomach! 23-Oct-07

Sarah asks: My cat has a hole the size of a dime in its stomach. He doesn't seem to be ... view

labrador vomiting bile and nearly passing out 22-Oct-07

Paul asks: Hi there - our five year old male labrador is generally in very good health - excellent appetite, plenty ... view

Guinea pig fits 22-Oct-07

Renate asks: My guinea pig is acting strange. I've only had him around a week and he's running as if spooked ... view

feeding 22-Oct-07

Terry asks: Is it safe to feed my GSD raw chicken wings, he is 16 months old and is 37 kg? ... view

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