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Teeth grinding.
Species: rabbit | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 6179 times
Q Toni asks about nibbles (rabbit - not known, F) (age 1 years, 1 months):
Nibbles has just started grinding her teeth. She's not eating normally but is drinking. She also seems a little lethargic. What could be wrong?
Q Samantha says: Sometimes a rabbit's teeth can get overgrown and her teeth grinding may be a sign that she is in pain. If she is also not eating properly and lethargic she should be seen by a vet who can check her teeth (often the ones at the back which you cannot see are overgrown) and make sure that she is otherwise OK.
Vomiting food
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 6520 times
Q Angela asks about kip (dog - english springer spaniel, M) (age 1 years, 11 months):
Every time my dog eats lately he vomits about an hour after his food and brown slimy stuff. He eventually ends up vomiting slimy white foam. Can you tell me if it may be a parasite or something causing it? Please help, he's drinking normally, hardly pooing though.
Q Samantha says: He needs to go to the vet! It is possible that he has a serious problem such as an intestinal obstruction. Vomiting like this without passing faeces can be a sign of a problem which could potentially be fatal if left, so please see a vet soon.
Hamster pouches seem swollen
Category: general | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 5697 times
Q Paul asks:
My hamster has been very quiet and inactive the last few days, her pouches seem to be swollen and there has been a slight discharge from her eyes. All my family have had a bad virus over the last couple of weeks, is it possible she has caught something or is it something else. She is still eating and drinking.
Q Samantha says: She might have impacted cheek pouches and need help to empty them. However I am more concerned about her inactivity and ocular discharge. Hamsters can become ill very quickly so make sure you keep her warm and get her checked by a vet as soon as you can.
Dog not eating
Category: general | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 3907 times
Q Mark asks:
Not eaten for two days, drinking water , breathing heavy.
Q Samantha says: You really do need to see a vet with your dog; this sounds as though it could be serious.
Upset stomach
Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 5833 times
Q Bob asks about Bella (dog - Labradoodle, F) (age 0 years, 4 months):
Bella has been treated with an antibiotic and kaolin paste, wormed and vaccinated all within the last 3 weeks. The upset stomach has recurred?
Q Samantha says: I am sorry to hear that her tummy upset has returned. Unfortunately some dogs do have sensitive tummies and Bella might be one of these. Apart from the treatment at the vet's you may be able to help by being very careful about what you feed her. You may find she does best on a bland diet (things like Chappie and James wellbeloved might be tolerated well) or you can get prescription diets for dogs with sensitive stomachs from vets. Try not to change her diet when you find something that suits her it may seem nice to give her a change but it might just give her diarrhoea! If you want to give treats outside of meal time you could give her some of her dry biscuit ration rather than tit-bits or doggy treats which may upset her. Lastly do try to stop her scavenging when she is out and about. I hope she gets well soon. Keep in touch with your vets because sometimes recurrent diarrhoea may be a sign which needs further investigation to find the underlying cause.
passing blood
Species: dog | Category: general | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 6281 times
Q Dawn asks about baxter (dog - german shepard, M) (age 1 years, 11 months):
After Baxter has a wee he has started passing drops of blood fresh blood from his penis he is still eating and drinking and in no pain there is no change in himself, still seems happy.
Q Samantha says: Baxter probably has a problem in his urinary tract or prostatic disease of some sort. He should be seen by your vet because this could be a serious condition and needs attention.
Upset stomach
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 5437 times
Q Emma asks about Fliss (dog - Trailhound, F) (age 1 years, 9 months):
What is the best thing to try and clear diarrhoea?
Q Samantha says: Often allowing your dog to just drink water for 12 to 24 hours and then putting them on to a bland diet such as chicken and rice for a few days will be all that is needed to clear up a mild case of diarrhoea. If the diarrhoea is severe, does not clear up, or your dog is unwell you should take her to the vet.
Breathing problems.
Species: cat | Category: general | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 6138 times
Q Valerie asks:
Jo is off her food, is sneezing, and seems to be breathing through her mouth instead of her nose seems a bit lethargic.
Q Samantha says: She should be checked by your vet; she might have an upper respiratory tract infection such as cat flu.
Feline muscular dystrophy
Species: cat | Category: other | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 6322 times
Q Dave asks:
Both of our cats have been diagnosed with feline muscular dystrophy. What does that mean and what is the prognosis?
Q Samantha says: This is an inherited disease in cats and I believe it tends to affect males more than females. It causes various neurological signs which may include vomiting, difficulty in walking and excessive salivation. As to the prognosis it would be best to consult your vet who knows your cats well; but sadly I do not believe this type of problem generally has a very good prognosis.
Change in behaviour
Species: dog | Category: behaviour | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 6406 times
Q Renette asks about Zeus (dog - Lab, M) (age 2 years, 0 months):
For the past 2 weeks my dog has been acting strange and unacceptable. He is very aggressive towards us; attacks us. He wants to hump our little jack russell and does not leave him alone. Also bites and attacks him aggressively. But further more, he has an unbearable foul smell. Now he loves water and spends most of the day, all day in the pool. So that eliminates him not being bathed regularly. Please help! I don't know what is wrong with him or how to react to this.
Q Samantha says: A dog which starts to attack other family members is a danger and I would strongly recommend that you consult a behaviourist in your area who will be able to give you the support you need. (Your local vet will be able to recommend one or get in contact with the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors 01386 751151.) Castration may help this situation but only in conjunction with behavioural therapy. While you are waiting for behavioural help try not to put yourself in any danger and try to recognise what makes your dog aggressive and avoid these situations. As for the foul smelling skin he may have a problem with his skin and if he is in discomfort or itchy with it this could be making him more aggressive. It is worth taking him to the vet and getting attention for his skin and also discussing the possibility of castrating him.
Anal Protrusion
Species: reptile | Category: general | Submitted: 10-Feb-07 | viewed 4441 times
Q Scott asks about Fenwick (reptile - Cal King Snake, N) :
Upon closer inspection I have determined that the problem is not faeces protruding, but inflammation and discoloration in the anal area. Actually looks like meat sticking out. Need help.
Q Samantha says: You need to go to a vet who is experienced with snakes; your local practice will be able to help you find someone if they do not do this themselves. It sounds like it could be a rectal prolapse which will become serious if not treated and will not rectify itself.
Spots on tongue and sickness
Species: cat | Category: other | Submitted: 09-Feb-07 | viewed 6300 times
Q Victoria asks:
My cat has green and black spots on her tongue, she seems in pain when picked up and is vomiting when she has eaten.
Q Samantha says: She definitely needs to be examined by your vet. I do not know what these spots on her tongue may be without being able to see them. The signs you describe of being in pain and vomiting could be serious.
Diabetes insipidus
Species: dog | Category: other | Submitted: 09-Feb-07 | viewed 7077 times
Q Potts asks:
Please could you tell me if diabetes insipidus can be caused by long term use of prednoleucotropin (PLT) tablets?
Q Samantha says: The long term use of PLT may cause several problems but I think it is unlikely to cause diabetes insipidus. It may however cause excessive drinking and urination so signs may be similar to DI. The most likely problem in long term use is Cushing's disease which involves drinking and urinating excessively. You should speak to your vet if you are worried about an animal on this type of medication.
Itching head and chewing paws
Category: general | Submitted: 09-Feb-07 | viewed 5852 times
Q Jakki asks:
Both dogs keep itching and it is driving me mad one black lab and other a boxer have been treated and also bedding and surrounding areas but can't find anything.
Q Samantha says: Have you taken your dogs to the vet? Since both dogs are affected it could possibly be a problem due to parasites. Fleas are obviously the first things to think about but there are other external parasites which can cause itching. Often sarcoptes which is a mite which burrows into the skin can cause very intense itching in dogs. If you take your dogs to the vet they will be able to give you an indication of the possible cause and provide appropriate treatment or further investigation as necessary.
Chewing paws
Species: dog | Category: other | Submitted: 09-Feb-07 | viewed 7016 times
Q Pauline asks:
My springer has started chewing the skin from his pads, to the extent that they are red raw and he cannot walk. I am trying to watch him but cannot always catch him as he hides behind the settee or under the table; so he seems to realise it is not acceptable behaviour. What else can I do and why is he doing it?
Q Samantha says: He may have dermatitis (a skin condition) around his pads or if only one foot is involved there could even be a foreign body stuck in his pad. He is probably doing this because his paws are extremely itchy or painful for him and he gains some relief by chewing them. If this continues they may become infected and the problem will probably get much worse over time if left untreated. He needs to be taken to the vet so that he can be given treatment to relieve his discomfort and pain.
All the dog's limbs
Category: general | Submitted: 09-Feb-07 | viewed 5867 times
Q Janice asks:
I have a large 8 month old dog, a cross breed newfoundland sheep dog, welsh mountain, who is having problems with his legs. The back one, trouble standing, keeps having to sit down, then he is holding his front paw like he has a thorn in it, first the right for about a week then the left, then it seem to go to his back legs, we cannot find anything after thorough examination.
Q Samantha says: Lameness in such a young dog should always be taken seriously. There are a number of problems which could cause this type of lameness in more than one limb. A likely problem may be panosteitis which does affect young, large breed dogs such as yours. It causes a shifting lameness such as you describe. This can be treated effectively and it usually resolves by around two years of age. However it is important that other orthopeadic diseases are ruled out so do take your dog along to your vet.
Species: dog | Category: other | Submitted: 09-Feb-07 | viewed 6845 times
Q Michelle asks about billie (dog - staffordshire terrier, F) (age 9 years, 9 months):
Through the night our dog opened a cupboard and ripped and ate all the box of chocolates, and now cannot stop vomiting?
Q Samantha says: Chocolate is toxic to dogs. Your dog may have chocolate poisoning. This can cause death in its most severe form and will largely depend upon the amount of chocolate and the cocoa content. Get your dog to the vet!
Dog may be having fits
Category: general | Submitted: 09-Feb-07 | viewed 5431 times
Q Garry asks:
My dog is a jack russell, she is 15 years old. Last week she made numerous screaming noises and ran around the garden 10 or 15 times. This week she made the same noises but just laid in her bed and her eyes were rolling around. Could this be some sort of fit or could it be something else?
Q Samantha says: This could be a fit but the "rolling" of the eyes may be what vets call nystagmus. This tends to be a flicking of the eyes, usually from side to side but occasionally up and down. This indicates some sort of neurological problem and may indicate your dog has had a stroke. This should be investigated and treated as necessary at your local vet's.
loss of weight in dog
Species: dog | Category: medical-surgical | Submitted: 09-Feb-07 | viewed 6911 times
Q emmaldo14 asks:
My dog has loss of weight, depressed, no energy, loss of appetite and has become very timid and has dry flakey skin what could be wrong with her?
Q Samantha says: Unfortunately these may be signs of many different things. It is important to get her checked by your vet because dogs with these types of signs may rapidly become very ill if left undiagnosed and untreated.
Species: cat | Category: general | Submitted: 09-Feb-07 | viewed 6429 times
Q Kevin asks:
I have 7 cats and one by one they are getting weepy eyes and the edge of the lid goes white. This lasts a couple of days then goes away.
Q Samantha says: This may be conjunctivitis which may have an infectious cause if it seems to be affecting all your cats. It is worth getting your affected cats checked since sometimes the cornea may be involved and conjunctivitis also causes discomfort for affected animals.
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  • Why Does My Pet Scratch When Bitten By Fleas?
  • Why Is One Of My Pets Affected By Fleas While All The Others Are Fine?
  • What Are The Signs Of Flea Allergy In Pets?
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  • Can Pet Rabbits Be Treated For Fleas Too?
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Your Questions Answered

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swollen hind leg 20-Nov-07

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Sick syrian hamster 08-Nov-07

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lack of sleep 07-Nov-07

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wet tail 06-Nov-07

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Alfie 06-Nov-07

Elaine asks: Hi Sam Thank you. Alfie has no feeding time he just has food in his bowl when he wants it ... view

Guarding problem 05-Nov-07

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White Gums and Dark Stool 02-Nov-07

Leslie asks: My 8 week old American Bulldog has really white gums, around the eyes is also white. She has dark ... view

Dog's Health 01-Nov-07

William asks: My dog is around 11 years old, possibly older (we received her as she was taken from a bad ... view

behaviour 31-Oct-07

Debby asks: Hi Max is very lively of course but he seems to get very excited and bites the children, not ... view

Blood in dog's stools 31-Oct-07

Lee asks: Hi. We recently got a 3 year old Labrador from a friend. From what we can see she has ... view

upset stomach 30-Oct-07

kat asks: About three days ago my dog started acting like she was sick; diarrhoea and vomiting along with excessive sneezing ... view

Blood in Poo 28-Oct-07

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neutering 27-Oct-07

ashen1956 asks: 3 days ago Molly-Mae gave birth to 5 kittens. How long should I wait before having her neutered and ... view

Ordering Insulin Online 26-Oct-07

Purdie asks: Purdie is diabetic and I'm keen to find a way of reducing the cost of the treatment. Currently ... view

Fleas and skin problem 26-Oct-07

Joanne asks: I have two cats, a neutered tom and his sister. They are 6 and a half yrs. old. They ... view

My cat has a hole in its stomach! 23-Oct-07

Sarah asks: My cat has a hole the size of a dime in its stomach. He doesn't seem to be ... view

labrador vomiting bile and nearly passing out 22-Oct-07

Paul asks: Hi there - our five year old male labrador is generally in very good health - excellent appetite, plenty ... view

Guinea pig fits 22-Oct-07

Renate asks: My guinea pig is acting strange. I've only had him around a week and he's running as if spooked ... view

feeding 22-Oct-07

Terry asks: Is it safe to feed my GSD raw chicken wings, he is 16 months old and is 37 kg? ... view

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